Thursday, February 26, 2009

In Sean Goldman Case - Brazilian Legal System Now on Trial

It was April 22, 2000 when Elian Gonzalez was removed from his relatives home in Miami and he was reunited with his father. After that, it took the American Legal System just over two months to allow is father Juan Miguel Gonzalez to fly back home with Elian. Now the Brazilian Court system is on trial to order step father and attorney Mr. Lins e Silva to do the right thing and send Sean Goldman home to New Jersey, USA to live with his custodial father David Goldman. The Brazilian local court was wrong to grant a divorce to the mother in Brazil and made the situation worse by not immediately ordering Lins e Silva to immediately start reunification efforts to transfer custody to Sean's biological father. Now the Brazilian court system has the opportunity to correct this.


I applaud the efforts of Secretary State Hilary Rodham Clinton as well as Senators Lautenberg, Menendez and Feingold for speaking up for the rights of Sean Goldman, David Goldman. The plight of the victim parents and victim children of International Family Abduction cases is one that few politicians in Washington have taken the time to address.

I'm sure anxious victim parents with International Family Abduction cases await the verdict in this case. Now it's time for the Brazil and their court system to do the right thing. Put Sean Goldman on a plane for United States right now, just like the United States did with Elian Gonzalez.

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